Traffic Counts
The TMACOG Traffic Count Database System allows the public to access traffic count data instantaneously. Multiple jurisdictions contribute by sharing traffic count data in the MPO region.
Five agencies—TMACOG, the Ohio Department of Transportation, the City of Toledo, the City of Oregon, City of Bowling Green, Lucas County, and Wood County—directly input traffic counts into the system. Users can retrieve traffic count data by entering specific search criteria or by selecting a location on the built-in Google Map. TMACOG Traffic Count Database
The Ohio Department of Transportation also maintains their own Traffic Monitoring Management System for the entire state. To access the states data please click here. For additional information related traffic counting, including seasonal adjustment factors, vehicle miles traveled reports, etc. please visit ODOT's Office of Technical Service website. ODOT Traffic Count Database
The Michigan Department of Transportation has a similar system for their traffic counts as well. MDOT Traffic Count Database
Planners and developers interested in traffic volume on area roadways may contact us for more information. Contact Marc VonDeylen, TMACOG Transportation Planner at 419.241.9155 ext. 1136