Freight Plan
TMACOG Freight Plan
Freight Plan Open House Materials - December 10, 2024
Project Overview
The Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments (TMACOG) Regional Freight Plan is being developed to identify and assess key freight assets in the TMACOG region. The TMACOG Regional Freight Plan will inventory assets from all freight modes including roadways, railroads, ports, airports, pipelines, and intermodal facilities, and will review key commercial, manufacturing, and industrial land uses and businesses. Finally, the Plan will identify and evaluate the performance of the TMACOG Freight Network in order to provide recommendations for potential network improvements and policies to guide future freight growth in the region.
Goals and Objectives
The TMACOG Regional Freight Plan aims to align with federal, state, and local planning efforts to foster a cohesive and comprehensive approach to freight transportation in the region. The plan’s broad goals include promoting a safe and balanced freight transportation system that enhances economic development and supports appropriate industrial land uses. By identifying key freight assets and evaluating the performance of the freight network, the plan seeks to recommend efficient transportation solutions that protect nearby communities. Additionally, the plan emphasizes the importance of engaging private sector stakeholders and community members to ensure that the proposed improvements and policies meet the region's diverse needs and promote sustainable growth.

Study Area
The TMACOG Regional Freight Plan Study Area (see below) includes the entirety of Wood and Lucas Counties in the State of Ohio. The primary urban area within TMACOG is the City of Toledo, which sits on the shores of Lake Erie. Bowling Green, Ohio, which is the largest urban area in Wood County, is also a key focus area in the TMACOG Regional Freight Plan.

Project Schedule and Process
The TMACOG Regional Freight Plan, initiated in April 2024, consists of seven key tasks aimed at improving freight transportation in the region.

Task 1 – Project Management: This task includes project initiation, a kickoff meeting, and the development of a Project Management Plan (PMP) that outlines team organization, scope, schedule, communication protocols, and progress reporting. The key deliverable is the Final PMP.
Task 2 – Stakeholder Engagement: This task involves engaging a broad array of stakeholders through meetings, interviews, and forums to gather perspectives on the region's freight system. Key deliverables include the Stakeholder and Public Engagement Plan, and an Outreach Summary.
Task 3 – Review of Relevant Policy Documents: This task reviews policy documents to establish the policy framework and identify regional priorities. The key deliverable is the Policy Review Technical Memorandum.
Task 4 – Freight Network Profile Identification: This task identifies key characteristics of the region's freight movement. The key deliverable is the Freight Network Profile Technical Memorandum.
Task 5 – Needs Assessment and SWOT Analysis: This task identifies regional freight needs and analyzes strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) to inform recommendations. The key deliverable is the Needs Assessment and SWOT Analysis Technical Memorandum.
Task 6 – Investment Strategy: This task identifies and prioritizes projects that improve freight movement in the region. The key deliverable is the Recommended Actions and Implementation Strategy Technical Memorandum.
Task 7 – Regional Freight Plan Report: This task compiles the findings into a comprehensive report to inform the public and policymakers on freight needs and future investments. The key deliverable is the TMACOG Regional Freight Plan.
The duration of the project is approximately 8 months and anticipated to conclude in November 2024.