Seeking a better connection to Columbus

TMACOG has long advocated for an improved highway connection to the state capital, and last year partnered with the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) and the Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission (MORPC) to study options to improve travel between Waldo and Interstate 270.
A clogged U.S. 23 slows down our travel and our economy. Central Ohio is the fastest-growing area in the Midwest, quickly becoming a freight and logistics hub. MORPC projects the region will add more than 1 million households and 1 million jobs over the next 20 years, and ODOT expects truck traffic to approximately double by 2050.
Northwest Ohio is the only metropolitan area in the state without a free-flowing connection to the capital. Drivers from Cleveland, Youngstown, Akron, Canton, Dayton, and Cincinnati encounter zero stop lights en route to Columbus. The need for a better connection has been in TMACOG’s Transportation Legislative Agenda since 2008 and has been noted in long-range plans since at least 1996. TMACOG is also working with our partners to explore passenger rail connections linking Toledo and Columbus.