Agriculture Committee
The Agriculture committee recommends science-based agriculture policies to the Water Quality Council for effective management of productive land. The committee facilitates communications on water quality research, economics, innovations, and operations among agriculture and related industries, and between TMACOG members, stakeholders and political jurisdictions throughout the western Lake Erie basin.
Ag is a High Tech Business
Members of the Luckey Farmers Cooperative showed TMACOG's Agriculture Committee how they use modern soil testing and variable rate fertilization to reduce the amount of nutrients reaching Lake Erie.
Farmers and farming cooperatives have made large investments in technology. Tractors and combines are now highly sophisticated vehicles that are in constant contact with satellites and GIS systems. They generate data that helps measure crop yield from year to year and how much has been invested to get that crop. Click to watch the educational video:
Farming in Northwest Ohio
In this 14-minute documentary about agriculture in the western Lake Erie basin, northwest Ohio farmers discuss their business and how they are utilizing innovative practices to improve water quality in our region.
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2020 Agriculture Committee
Learn More about the Agriculture Committee
Demonstration Farms
See more about trends in agricultural research in northwest Ohio: Blanchard River Demonstration Farms.
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TMACOG 208 Plan
Areawide Water Quality Management Plan
A comprehensive document outlining what we as a community will do to meet the goals of the Clean Water Act with regard to sanitary sewers, wastewater treatment, and stormwater management.
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