Comment on new additions to regional transportation plan
Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments (TMACOG) is accepting public comment on recommended updates to the region’s long-range transportation plan.

On the Move: 2045 Transportation Plan - Update 2020 includes a prioritized list of projects, initiatives, and policies that guide transportation investments in the Toledo metropolitan area, which includes Lucas and Wood counties in Ohio and a southern portion of Monroe County, Michigan.
TMACOG’s Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) has recommended an amendment that would add two projects to the long-range plan:
- Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure in the counties of Lucas, Wood, Ottawa, and Sandusky
- Reconnecting Communities – Swan Creek Gateway Planning
Click here to read the full text of the proposed amendment.
TMACOG’s Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) Policy Board will meet to consider approval of these amendments on Wednesday, December 4.
Public comment on the proposed amendment can be shared prior to the meeting with Marissa Bechstein: or 419-241-9155 ext. 1117.
Comments can also be sent by mail:
Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments
Attn: Marissa Bechstein
P.O. Box 9508
Toledo, OH 43697-9508